One of the top questions asked in google about Myrtle Beach is Does Myrtle Beach have palm trees? The simplest answer to this question is yes. Myrtle Beach is in South Carolina which is known as the Palmetto State. This nickname is referring the to Sabal palm that appears on our state flag.
Throughout all of Myrtle Beach you can find hundreds of palms all over the place. From when you make trips to shop at The Market Common, the mall, or the outlets. If take a walk around Broadway At The Beach or visit the Skywheel, your are sure to find palm trees.

Palm trees can be found all over Myrtle Beach in commercial applications, but they can also be found growing in the wild and also in many of the developments as well.
As you drive through the main road in Plantation Lakes you can see them lining the street. If you drive around just about any other neighborhood in the area, you are sure to find many homes with some species of a palm growing somewhere.

Overall, palm trees are actually a very common thing to find growing in Myrtle Beach. This is due to the mild winters we have in our area. If we do experience a hard frost, you might have to prune off a few branches on your palm, but as soon as the warmth of spring & summer come around, that palm tree will be back growing beautiful branches.
So in closing, does Myrtle Beach have palm trees? You betcha!